Tuesday, December 25, 2012


yee.. aku bukak blog semata2 nk delete link blog org kat blog aku ni..
tak sangka plak ade orang stalk blog aku yg da bsawang ni.. #eh

okayy, nk update spantas kilat je ni..
pasal aku pn pakai wifi rumate aku.. hehehe.. sorry Farhah..

ape aku nk ckp?
sekarang nga study week..
and aku amek la kesempatan jap update blog walaupon aku nga bz bwt past year paper ni..

kehidupan single ni menarik la jugak..
takyah nak semak kn kepala pikir pasal org lain..
takyah nak buang masa nk tolong org lain which will end up org tak penah appreciate pn..
yg paling best dapat bawak kete pegi UIA..
which aku amat sure if aku still in relationship, mak aku takkan penah bagi aku bwk kete..
and kakak2 aku pn takkan bg aku bawak kete dorg..

seriously, aku tak menyesal aku single..
it just like when something you think you are really ready for it, and when its gone, you will
realize that you never ready actually..
ape bende aku cakap tu? hahaha..
the point is, muda lagi kot nk pikir sume benda ni..
dont rush things you never really into..

yg penting sekarang ni, aku tau aku ade kawan2 yg sangat menghargai aku..
aku tak cakap masa aku in relationship tu aku tak sedar sume ni..
but when i really got the chances to spend much2 more time with them,
i realize that what a waste i lost my campus live with someone who dont really deserve me..
aku taknak la bukak cerita, tapi better this thing i just keep it to myself..

rasa nya da bley sambung study balik ni..