Thursday, December 30, 2010

+ *sigh* +

aku x nmpk ape reason aku mengeluh kt atas tu..haha~
xpela, sbb aku sndiri x tau nk bwt entry ape kali ni..

aku xtau la nape nowadays aku byk sgt pk bnde2 x masuk akal..
makin lame aku pk makin saket plak ati aku..huhu..

kdg2 aku nk sesuatu tu nmpk obvious, so that  people will know how it was..
but on the other side, aku nk keep it as secret..

bwu2 ni aku tgk balik cite MY GIRL..haha~
ntah tahun bile nye cite korea yg aku tgk ni..

tp xpe, sbb aku suke tgk cite ni ulang2 kali..sedih, comel, sume ade..
pastu, aku teringat atuk Seol Gong Chan tu ade ckp..
"private life should be keep as private.."..

so, bia la ape yg aku pk tntg sesuatu tu, jd private thing aku..
no need to be expose..

u guys just dont even know how hard it takes to be 'azelah'..
if u thought u knew me, then u must be wrong..cause i didnt even know myself..

it is obvious..
the reason i should stay is the reason i should leave..

peace, no war..(^.^)v

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

+ tolonglah !! +

tolongla jgn ketuk pintu bilek org macam nk runtuh..
sgt annoying..!

tolongla jgn bwt aku kne ulang cakap bnde yang same banyak2 kali..
sgt annoying..!

tolongla jgn dok memekak2 while trying ur new outfit time aku nga stadi..
sgt annoying..!

tolongla jgn bg aku dgr suare org yg aku x suke..
sgt annoying..!

tolonglah..! tolonglah..! tolonglah..!
i'm begging any of u who read this..!

sungguh annoying..!

why cant i just live my life without any annoying things..?
why..? why..? why..?

p/s : 
swear u wont do any of the above..coz if u done it, i'll annoy u alot..CROSS UR HEART..!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

+ hot issue ! +

meh layan lagu korea!
ni sume pengaruh ads kt astro la ni..
aku da gile tgk artis2 korea lak skg..haha~
layan, zass..~